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Frequently Asked Questions

Therapy can be tough, trying to figure out the logistics shouldn't be. Please browse the list of questions below or reach out to me via the "Contact" form to chat about your specific concerns. 

What can I expect during my first session? In your first session we will spend time getting to know one another and start to determine if we are a "good fit". Prior to your appointment, I'll ask you to complete some background information, and I may have some follow up questions regarding the following areas: family, friends, medical or mental health treatment history, what your primary concerns are, as well as your goals for therapy. I will chat with you about important things like confidentiality, and discuss some initial treatment ideas. It is important that you feel comfortable with me, and that you can see the potential in our partnership, working together towards your goals. I feel that therapy is for everyone, however, not every therapist is! If we do not seem like a good match, I will happily provide a referral to another qualified provider. It is normal to be anxious about your first visit. Hopefully the information above will help alleviate some of those worries. Additionally, I like to offer potential new clients a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if I might be the right provider for your needs.

Telehealth vs. In-Person Therapy - Which is more effective? While telehealth has been around for decades, prior to the events of 2020, mental health services were largely conducted in person. COVID-19, and the associated health issues, required professionsals to rethink how to safely support clients during this challenging time. Concern regarding the efficacy of treatment led researchers to compare, contrast, and assess the effectiveness of the two methods. Results have indicated that there is no significant difference in the clinical treatment and outcomes associated with the two modalities. While initially apprehensive, many of my clients have shared their appreciation for telehealth services. Some of the benefits of telehealth include a reduction of barriers, like transportation or childcare needs. Additionally, telehealth is convenient and often allows individuals to seek therapeutic services without disruption to their normal work day (ex. during a lunch break). These factors can be crucial in an individual's ability to consistently commit to therapy and consequently make progress towards their goals. Generally, I suggest that teen clients avoid telehealth services, unless in-person alternatives are unfeasible. I find that teens are particularly fatigued by the amount of screen time they engage in during their school and personal time. As a result, they may be more susceptible to distractions and struggle to sustain the focus and concentration needed to attain session beneifts. If you have specific questions regarding telehealth or your suitability for telehealth services, please reach out!

Confidentiality for adult clients - "What can I safely share?" Confidentiality is an essential component of developing trust with your therapist. While the issue of privacy and confidentiality is explicitly highlighted in my professional code of ethics, I personally take the matter very seriously. I strive to create an environment where my clients feel safe and secure and am committed to doing everything in my power to maintain client confidentiality. There are five instances when I am bound by law, as a mandated reporter, to break confidentiality. 1. When a client discloses active sucidical intent (means, plan, method) 2. When a client discloses active homicidal intent (means, plan, method) 3. Physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional abuse of a minor child or elder adult 4. A court ordered subpeona 5. Issues of National Security

How long will I be in therapy? Great question - tough to answer! Just as each client and issue are unique, so are their therapy needs. Generally, I recommend that new clients meet weekly. This is so we can develop trust and rapport quickly, you can become comfortable with the theraputic process, and most importantly, so you can start seeing progress towards your goals. Often, as time goes on and clients move through their theraputic experience, their needs change and consequentally their appointment frequency does as well. My sincerest hope is that my clients are able to take the fruits of their labor - the intense process and skills we develop during sessions - and apply them independently, outside therapy. My ultimate goal is for clients to obtain a level of emotional fortitude where they are capable of sustained wellbeing without my services or support. It is important to discuss timelines, expectations and therapy recommendations openly. I generally provide these details at the intake appointment and re-assess every 6 months when treatment plans are updated. If curious, I encourage clients to bring these issues up independetly in order to maintain clarity and cohesion. Finally, the value of therapy in achieving positive mental and emotional health can't be understated; however, individuals who implement the insights and practices gleaned from sessions will ultimately be the ones to find the quickest road to lasting success.

Teen counseling and confidentiality - What's the deal? Parents of teens and other minors often seek therapy for their children to bring about improvements in communication, transparency, and honesty. Conversely, however, teens and minor clients often seek privacy and discretion in their relationship with their therapist. With these contradictory positions in mind, I find the best approach in finding middle ground is to meet with minor clients and their guardian(s) at the intake session. Here we discuss the laws around confidentiality and minors and understand what the parent and client's goals are for therapy. Surprisingly, these are not always aligned :) It is essential to theraputic success that all parties: therapist, client and the guardian(s), are in agreement on the confidentiality arrangements prior to the commencement of therapy. It is important to note, that due to Colorado laws (Colorado HB 19-1120), minors 12 years and older are protected and information shared with their mental health provider is confidential. Similar to adults, confidentiality is voided for the following: 1. When a client discloses active sucidical intent (means, plan, method) 2. When a client discloses active homicidal intent (means, plan, method) 3. Physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional abuse of a minor child or elder adult 4. A court ordered subpeona 5. Issues of National Security In general, parents and guardians should expect limited therapy updates (general information about the issues your teen is working on and progress assessments). Furthermore, I largely encourage my minor clients to provide these updates to their parents directly and find that this approach ultimately helps achieve the parent/guardians initial goal of boosting communication and trust. Lastly, I find it important to disclose to minor clients when I am in communication with their parents (via text, email, phone, or in person) as this transparency maintains the essential trust component of our working relationship.

What's your Cancellation Policy? Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of your appointment. Individuals who cancel less than 24 hours in advance, or no-show their appointments will be charged the full session fee in accordance with the "No Show & Late Cancellation" policy (found in intake paperwork). As a reminder, insurance providers do not cover no-show or late cancellations, and clients will be financially responsible for the full ($160) session fee.

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